Facial Recognition AI Technology

High-intensity technical
verification to ensure safety.
Global Top Level facial recognition
AI technology.

Global Top Level Technology Achievement


Test on the comparison of 1:10 million people
Certified by KOLAS


Accuracy of facal recognition
Certified by KISA


forgery prevention technology test
Verification of 13 mobile devices, the only one in Korea

Why Safe Facial Recognition Technology

Why Safe is Facial Recognition Technology?

  • User Authentication

    • 1:1 Verification: Compares the received authentication request with a specific face in the database
    • 1:N Identification: Detects multiple facial features and extracts the same individual from the database
    • Memory Distributed Processing: Executes the feature comparison process in parallel to enhance the processing speed of 1:N authentication in large databases
  • User Feature Analysis

    • Utilizes data extracted from identified features such as age, gender, and facial expressions for user authentication and various customer services
    • Analyzes user movements in real-time, including facial direction, angles, and seat departure detection, to measure concentration
    • Enables personalized marketing and statistical analysis, allowing for the collection and analysis of personalized advertisements and customer visit statistics through user feature analysis
  • Object Detection

    • Detects the wearing status of masks, glasses, and accessories during the user's facial recognition process
    • Masks/photos/videos disguise detection analyzes whether the presented image for authentication matches the actual user's face
    • Ensures service security through advanced technology; provides high-intensity liveness check features to prevent facial spoofing and disguise

How Safe Facial Recognition Technology

How safe is facial recognition technology?

What industry applied to

In which industries is this applied?

Financial industry

Enhancing identity verification and security in financial services

Education services

Non-face-to-face online test monitoring service

Public institutions

Personal identification and safety·welfare

Access·Attendance Management

Efficient Attendance Management System for Large-Scale Personnel

Construction Sites

Management of Personnel and Enhancement of Safety and Security at Construction Sites

Smart Retail

Customer-targeted marketing and product recommendations